Thursday, February 18, 2010

ASP vocab + TP HW questions

TechPrep HW (if you didn't pass it today)

series-parallel circuit
  1. Draw a dotted line around the series part of the circuit and label 'SERIES'. Draw a shape around parallel part and label 'PARALLEL'.
  2. BONUS. Name an electronics simulation software that could be used to draw a circuit similar to the circuit shown in fig. 1
  3. What will happen to the circuit if 1 of the bulbs fails?
  4. ^^What if the motor/buzzer fails?
  5. In your opinion, what part of the circuit is its weakest point? Explain answer.
  6. Redesign the circuit so that all components are in parallel and LEDs are used in place of bulbs. You may need to add other components in order to protect the LEDs.
English Vocab for A Separate Piece Peace
  1. Automation
  2. Browbeat
  3. Collaborator
  4. Consternation
  5. Droll
  6. Emissary
  7. Enmity
  8. Exaltation
  9. Funereal
  10. Groveling
  11. Inebriating
  12. Insidious
  13. Inveigle
  14. Mordant
  15. Reticent
  16. Sententious
  17. Temperamental
  18. Truancy
  19. Turbid
  20. Venerable
So the play rehearsal will be held in Celebrity Sports daw. After the Math LT (which is on RAEs, radicals, and everything that makes them complicated. ISSA YOU DIDN'T RETURN MY MATH 1 OUTLINE!)
I'll be staying there until 4PM or so. As for food, I think we're ordering out or something like that. Basta-- each person pays for themselves.
ACTORS PLEASE GO TO THE PRACTICE! Exhaust every possibility. And try to gooooooo. :(
[btw can i hitch with one of you? :)]

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