Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some things to take note of

I think it's time to announce that WE ARE EDITING THE CSS!
And since this is the class blog, I'd suggest that you guys start sending in palettes. Like a color scheme.
Preferably in HEX codes, 'kay? (:

I'll need background color, border colors, text colors, and of the like.
If you want an official list:
- Border Colors
- Main Background Color (is black, so don't make it)
- Text (nothing that contrasts too little or too much with the background color of the entry)
- Background Color of the blog entries, links box, and profile box
- Color of the links, links when you hover, and visited links
- color of the entry post/date/author of post
- color of bolded text, italicized text, and two colors for underlined text
- border of blockquote text, color of blockquote text, and background color of blockquote text

If you don't understand any of the aforementioned categories, then you just look for me at school.
If nobody passes, then I'll have to decide for myself. But then if you guys decide it doesn't look good, then I'll take it down.

Because I'm not gonna force anything. And then if enough of you don't wanna change the blog skin then I won't.

How do I make a poll?
Maybe we can have a vote in homeroom.

1 comment:

  1. its either we make it plain or lets put a monkey there :)
