Monday, December 7, 2009

Hell Week Schedule and Reminders (re-update)


* erased all previous reminders to prevent anyone from stalking us save space. O:-)

  • IS LT (motion lang ata)
  • ES LT (not sure. I'm studying everything from plate tectonics to minerals *cough cough* just to be sure. But the required reading is not for tomorrow, I think that's for perio.)
  • Socsci LT (Study both handouts, I guess.)
  • Comsci LT (All HTML codes that Ma'am taught us)
  • English personal legend due on Friday. Formatting specs: font size 12, any readable font, 1.5 spacing, less than or equal to five pages. Must show how you view yourself in the future. Earliest limit is on 2012.
Sorry for the late update, really. Kanina lang ako nagka-net. :P

  • Inkwell members: 5-page story deadline moved to 21. YAY. \:D/
  • Your exchange giftz. Again, minimum is 200, max 500. You can buy really prettyful wrappers in Quiapo. =))
  • We won't have to change for PE on Tuesday, and I don't think we're going to have Drafting for this quarter anymore. Just prepare for more Techprep! \:D/
  • Perio start on Wednesday. Jethro has the schedule, someone ask him... or maybe they're going to post it.
That's all I can remember for now.. good luck na lang sa perio, and may it be better than last time! :D

It was an unfamiliar gesture, but felt right. (Kira, from Gathering Blue)


  1. For those who has plenty of money to spend. Lalo na dun sa mag-reregalo sa akin, o.k. lang kung lalagpas sa P500 yung gagastusin. :)

    Its ok with me :)

    Joke. its the thought that counts :)

  2. Long tests on Monday: SocSci (written), ES (hanggang minerals ata), IS (motion lang ata). Someone confirm, I'm being so vague >_>

    Someone from Sr says we can't have three LTs in one day >_>

    For tomorrow, we'll have the HTML practicals in ComSci, and there's a sample in the eGroup somewhere. Too lazy to fetch the link, I'm on LiveJournal :P
