- Income and social status
- Education
- Physical Environment
- Employment and working conditions
- Social Support Networks
- Culture
- Genetics
- Personal Behavior and Coping Skills
- Health Services
- Gender
Ecosystem Influences on Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF)
- OLOF- individuals, family groups, communities, population
- POLITICAL- safety, oppression, people empowerment
- BEHAVIOR- culture, habits, morals, ethnic customs
- HEREDITY/GENERIC ENDOWMENT- defect, strength, risk (familial, ethnic and racial)
- HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM- promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative
- ENVIRONMENT- air, food, water, waste, urban/rural, noise, radiation, pollution
- SOCIO-ECONOMIC employment, education, housing
- Teams of doctors and other health professionals
- Scientists
- Public Officials
- Consumers
- Medical Care (immunization, screening, nursing, dental and occupational health and safety)
- Disease Detection (investigation, track down)
- Environmental Health programs (sanitation, food and drug control, vector control, radiologic health, air pollution control, housing and urban planning)
- Facilities and Services for patients (inspection, licensing and monitoring of facilities, licensing of health professionals, administration of government health, insurance programs for elderly)
- Support Services (social work, nutrition, health statistics, laboratory services, health education)
- BFAD- inspects and approves meat found free from disease or parasites
- POEA/LABOR- develop, promotes, evaluates, and enforces standards to protect workers from all job-related health hazards
- DENR- protects environment from pollution
- DPWH- concerned with safety on nation's highways
- MMDA- safety and traffic enforcer
- Health situation monitoring and analysis
- Epidemiological surveillance/disease prevention and control
- Development of policies and planning in public health
- Strategic management of health systems and services for population and health gain
- Regulation and enforcement to protect public health
- Human resources development and planning in public health
- Health promotion, social participation and empowerment
- Ensuring the quality of personal and population based health services
- Research, development, and implementation of innovative public health solutions
GOALS of FOURmula ONE for Health
- Better health outcomes
- More responsive health systems
- Equitable health care financing
The four elements of the strategy:
- Health Financing the goal of this health reform area is to foster greater, better and sustained investments in health
- Health Regulation the goal is to ensure the quality and affordability of health goods and services
- Health Service Delivery- the goal is to improve and ensure the accessibility and availability of basic and essential health care in both public and private facilities and services
- Good governance- the goal is to enhance health system performance at the national and local levels
PUBLIC SECTOR- consists of the national and local government agencies providing health services
EXECUTIVE ORDER 102- to provide assistance to local government units, people's organization and other members of civic society in effectively implementing programs, projects and services that will promote the health and well being of every Filipino
MELAMINE- organic industrial chemical most commonlu found as a white crystal rich in nitrogen, abused by food producers
TBV- transmission blocking vaccine against malaria (Dr Rhoel Dinglasan)
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