Thursday, February 11, 2010


Only four editors have passed: Dave, Javi, Marianne, and Jethro.

The ones I have received are the ones written by:
Pat, Gillian, Andrei, Marianne, Olin, Jethro, DJ, Joaqui, Javi, and me.

That's TEN articles out of THIRTY. WHAAA, GARNET, KAWAWA NAMAN TAYO. Yung may mga technical problems, please PLEASE find a way to send it to meeee. I'll talk over deadlines with you tomorrow.

Credits to the editors who passed early--Dave, Javi, Marianne, and Jethro. But Dave, you didn't include your own article :| You just passed Pat's.

Special credits to Jethro, your email was very formal. I love it. :> IT HA, IT. :))

Editors you also have to make an article!! T^T
Nako Garnet. :| :(

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