Friday, February 26, 2010


- labreps from expts 3-10

- LT

- powers of the telescope thing.

- don't forget those tangent arcs and lines thing. Where's Rham's video? :P

- apparently we still have an LT on chapters 49-50, since we had the debate and all

That's all I remembar.
you know what, screw formalities.

Because it's so effin epic not to post


EDIT: Okay fail, putol yung image.

"Hawak mo ko, pero sa kanya ka nakatingin.

-- mouse na nagseselos sa monitor."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

announcements & Experiment No.6

Guys if you've seen an XpressMusic or whatever it's called (NOT touchscreen) please contact Jethro. :(
Play is on March 8, so :| :(( :o and it's being held in the 4th Floor Audi. Trying to book it...
Experiments 6-10 can be found in the 2nd Floor B-lob. P11 lang.

Experiment No. 6
Classifying Mixtures

In this experiment you will compare some properties of starch solutions with those of a sodium chloride solution. You will also use the Tyndall effect to identify the different kinds of mixtures.

To classify the kinds of mixtures using starch mixtures and sodium chloride solution.

1 filter paper
2 teaspoons, plastic
1 cent-o-gram balance
4 100mL beakers
1 funnel
1 alcohol burner
1 tripod
1 wire gauze
1 50mL graduated cylinder
1 stirring rod
1 penlight, 3 volts

  1. Add about 1/4 tsp. (approx 3g) of common table salt to 30mL water in a 100mL beaker. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Filter and set aside.
  2. Add 1/4 tsp of starch to 30mL of water in another 100mL beaker. Stir thoroughly and place beside salt and water mixture.
  3. Add about one teaspoon (approx 5g) o starch to 50mL water in another 100mL beaker. Stir thoroughly, heat mixture with constant stirring until boils and becomes clear. Get 10 mL of this mixture and put it in another 100mL beaker. Add enough water to make volume 30mL. Place beside other beakers. Compare the contents of 3 containers.
  4. Focus the penlight on each of 3 beakers. Look at beam of light from the top of the beaker (at right angles to the beam of light). Note difference.

Data Results
Table 6 Effect of a Beam of Light on Mixture
MixtureAppearanceVisibility of Dispersed ParticlesEffect of Light BeamKind of Solution
Table salt & water
starch & water
cooked starch & water

  1. Which o the mixtures can be described as homogenous? Heterogenous?

  2. In which system is the path of a beam o light revealed?

  3. Give at least two examples of each type of mixture.

  4. Cite two uses of each type of mixture.

class mag outcome

so here's the outcome :)
just tell me if you want a copy :D


Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hey group 2 members this is James do you copy? over. Please give me your freakin' e-mail addresses so I can send ya'll the data for experiments 3-5. You should send me your e-mails VIA comment, another post, or just send me a message(well you should know my number)-I'll be on standby. Over and out. -end transmission-

Saturday, February 20, 2010

class mag

so far, I've received the articles from Bianca.
the class mag can't be like a magazine with the glossy paper and stuff, because it would be too expensive.
so yeah.


where did you submit the logo??
submit it here:
tnx :)


I'm still accepting layouts until 12 nn tom :)
I'm gonna submit na the layout on Monday :D


Dave! your article's too long, but that's okay.
so Garnet! if the mag turns out to be expensive, blame Dave, okay?
His article occupied more than 1 2/3 pages :))

oh right! the layout may not be that good, 'coz i'm not in the mood..
so, yeah. i guess y'all understand.
tnx :)

that's all. i guess.


Health Handout because i love all of you

10 Determinants of Health
  1. Income and social status
  2. Education
  3. Physical Environment
  4. Employment and working conditions
  5. Social Support Networks
  6. Culture
  7. Genetics
  8. Personal Behavior and Coping Skills
  9. Health Services
  10. Gender

Ecosystem Influences on Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF)
  1. OLOF- individuals, family groups, communities, population
  2. POLITICAL- safety, oppression, people empowerment
  3. BEHAVIOR- culture, habits, morals, ethnic customs
  4. HEREDITY/GENERIC ENDOWMENT- defect, strength, risk (familial, ethnic and racial)
  5. HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM- promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative
  6. ENVIRONMENT- air, food, water, waste, urban/rural, noise, radiation, pollution
  7. SOCIO-ECONOMIC employment, education, housing

  • Teams of doctors and other health professionals
  • Scientists
  • Public Officials
  • Consumers

  1. Medical Care (immunization, screening, nursing, dental and occupational health and safety)
  2. Disease Detection (investigation, track down)
  3. Environmental Health programs (sanitation, food and drug control, vector control, radiologic health, air pollution control, housing and urban planning)
  4. Facilities and Services for patients (inspection, licensing and monitoring of facilities, licensing of health professionals, administration of government health, insurance programs for elderly)
  5. Support Services (social work, nutrition, health statistics, laboratory services, health education)

  • BFAD- inspects and approves meat found free from disease or parasites
  • POEA/LABOR- develop, promotes, evaluates, and enforces standards to protect workers from all job-related health hazards
  • DENR- protects environment from pollution
  • DPWH- concerned with safety on nation's highways
  • MMDA- safety and traffic enforcer

  1. Health situation monitoring and analysis
  2. Epidemiological surveillance/disease prevention and control
  3. Development of policies and planning in public health
  4. Strategic management of health systems and services for population and health gain
  5. Regulation and enforcement to protect public health
  6. Human resources development and planning in public health
  7. Health promotion, social participation and empowerment
  8. Ensuring the quality of personal and population based health services
  9. Research, development, and implementation of innovative public health solutions

GOALS of FOURmula ONE for Health
  1. Better health outcomes
  2. More responsive health systems
  3. Equitable health care financing

The four elements of the strategy:
  1. Health Financing the goal of this health reform area is to foster greater, better and sustained investments in health
  2. Health Regulation the goal is to ensure the quality and affordability of health goods and services
  3. Health Service Delivery- the goal is to improve and ensure the accessibility and availability of basic and essential health care in both public and private facilities and services
  4. Good governance- the goal is to enhance health system performance at the national and local levels

PUBLIC SECTOR- consists of the national and local government agencies providing health services
EXECUTIVE ORDER 102- to provide assistance to local government units, people's organization and other members of civic society in effectively implementing programs, projects and services that will promote the health and well being of every Filipino
MELAMINE- organic industrial chemical most commonlu found as a white crystal rich in nitrogen, abused by food producers
TBV- transmission blocking vaccine against malaria (Dr Rhoel Dinglasan)

Announcements before i post the health handouts XD

we have a LT in English the next day
we have a Health perio the next day
we have an IS LT the next day (btw James please get around to posting the notes, I'll post the DATA ANALYSIS now)

1.) You can classify the substances according to:
Solubility/Miscibility: Soluble, Miscible, Insoluble/Immiscible, and Semi-Soluble/Semi-Miscible
Color: White/Light-colored, Dark colored, others
Odor: pleasant, subtle, repulsive, odorless

2.) Yes. You can still classify the substances according to other properties such as chemical properties or other physical properties not listed down in the experiment.


Long weekend, yes. I feel like it's a Sunday na.

- LT


- perio. James was giving out handouts last Saturday; if you didn't get one, I think Marianne said she was going to type them out here.

All other reminders in Marianne's post.
Hell week na pala?

The practice at Celeb went fine, at least we got to work out Byron's entrance and the fight scene, and reenacted the emo scene for the first time, and such. Basta we accomplished something. :D Actors, in case you weren't listening, cancelled ang practice sa Monday kasi hell week. Yeah.

Class mag
- I just emailed the second batch files to Pia, and I know it's past my deadline, but sorry, I had to sleep early last night 'cause I caught a cold in Celeb @_@

- This is the list of people who passed, all in all:
  • Andrei
  • Gillian
  • Javi
  • Olin
  • Marianne
  • Joaqui
  • Jethro
  • Dave
  • Bea
  • Jadee
  • Gab
  • Emman
  • Pia
  • Bianca
  • Sandro
  • DJ
  • Pat
  • Gene
  • James
  • Issa
  • Alyssa
BTW James, I loved yours :3

- If you want to make habol, then pass directly to Pia (I am NOT posting her email on this blog, that's her decision to make) at the earliest rational possible time. That means no passing on the day of submission of the mag itself.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ASP vocab + TP HW questions

TechPrep HW (if you didn't pass it today)

series-parallel circuit
  1. Draw a dotted line around the series part of the circuit and label 'SERIES'. Draw a shape around parallel part and label 'PARALLEL'.
  2. BONUS. Name an electronics simulation software that could be used to draw a circuit similar to the circuit shown in fig. 1
  3. What will happen to the circuit if 1 of the bulbs fails?
  4. ^^What if the motor/buzzer fails?
  5. In your opinion, what part of the circuit is its weakest point? Explain answer.
  6. Redesign the circuit so that all components are in parallel and LEDs are used in place of bulbs. You may need to add other components in order to protect the LEDs.
English Vocab for A Separate Piece Peace
  1. Automation
  2. Browbeat
  3. Collaborator
  4. Consternation
  5. Droll
  6. Emissary
  7. Enmity
  8. Exaltation
  9. Funereal
  10. Groveling
  11. Inebriating
  12. Insidious
  13. Inveigle
  14. Mordant
  15. Reticent
  16. Sententious
  17. Temperamental
  18. Truancy
  19. Turbid
  20. Venerable
So the play rehearsal will be held in Celebrity Sports daw. After the Math LT (which is on RAEs, radicals, and everything that makes them complicated. ISSA YOU DIDN'T RETURN MY MATH 1 OUTLINE!)
I'll be staying there until 4PM or so. As for food, I think we're ordering out or something like that. Basta-- each person pays for themselves.
ACTORS PLEASE GO TO THE PRACTICE! Exhaust every possibility. And try to gooooooo. :(
[btw can i hitch with one of you? :)]

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

class mag, so far. :|

hmmm... so here's an update, at least, of the class mag..

Title: untitled
Background of the cover: Garnet surnames/names
Contents: some, yes, some of the edited articles are with me na.. so PASS 'em na!!!!
Profiles: I need the dates of your birthdays
Class Mag Price: Php. 100.00 - Php. 200.00

so, for the background of the cover, it's gonna be the one i let you did a while ago.. I might redo it tom..
the class mag price is still temporary, 'coz the layout isn't ready yet..


If you wanna change the title, just email me or tell bianca, and she'll decide ;)


I am in need of your quotes, please submit a.s.a.p.
to those of you who knew/knows any of Jethro quotes, please submit a.s.a.p.
If in any case, we don't have his quotes, I'm gonna replace it with Garnet jokes, in English, of course! so you can also submit jokes, try not to put the green ones, but i'm gonna ask bianca if it's okay :)


to those of you who wants a customized layout, just print the outcome of your layout & give it to me a.s.a.p.
I may not copy it entirely, but i promise i will give my best :)
give it to me on our before friday, 12 nn


I still need some pics for the collage :)


I still need the logo for our class mag..
anyone can submit, bsta it's unique & purely Garnet!!!
any suggestions/comments? email me:
submit your files there too..

Guess what -_-

Class mag, ano pa ba?

So here is my historical release of my email ad to the world
Yes, with ph and everything.
Want my password now? :P

So.. updates. Alyssa and Gene, I haven't received your edits yet :< Please please please send asap.

Recap of the timeline.
Thursday (Feb 18) MN - articles must be with editors
Friday (Feb 19) MN - EDITED articles must be passed to meh
Saturday (Feb 20) 3PM - re-edit articles must be passed to Pia (ako na 'to)

And the rest is history.

Might as well throw in reminders while I'm at it~

- usual article reviews, lalala. I think this is the second-to-last time we're doing this; be nice.
- LT in 304 tomorrow, 4th period.

- labgownz.

- green books

Monday, February 15, 2010

experiment #5

Exp. 5: Physical and Chemical Changes
To distinguish:
⁃ physical properties from chemical
⁃ physical from chemical changes
⁃ mixtures from compounds
⁃ metals from nonmetals

To state the operational definition of:
⁃ a compound
⁃ an element
⁃ a mixture

1.) Combine the copper turnings and sulfur powder and examine the mixture with a hand lens. Record your observations in Table 5.1. Transfer the mixture to a 10mL test tube. Heat the mixture complete. Record your observations.
2.) Write down properties of 5cm strip of magnesium ribbon. Hold one end of the strip over a burner flame using crucible tongs until the ribbon ignites. (CAUTION: Do not look directly at the burning magnesium. Keep the burning magnesium at arm's length.) Record your observations. Let the combustion product fall on a watch glass. Compare with original magnesium ribbon. Transfer combustion product to small beaker then add 3mL distilled water. Stir solution and add red and blue litmus. Record your observations.
3.) Get copper wire about 14cm long, 2mm diameter and form a loop at one end (see pic). This will serve as a deflagrating spoon. Spoon some sulfur powder, enough to fill the loop. Hold this over the burner flame. Observe the burning sulfur. Dissolve combustion product by holding the end of the loop inside a vial with 3mL water. Add red and blue litmus to resulting solution. Record your observations.
4.) Place 2 or 3 iodine crystals in a 150mL beaker and place this on a wire gauze and iron ring. Over the beaker, place an evaporating dish with a small amount of water. With small flame, heat crystals and observe what happens. Examine the bottom of evaporating dish after it cools. Record your observations.
5.) Put a few copper nitrate crystals into a clean, dry 10mL test tube. Hold the test tube w/ holder and heat gently in a burner flame. (CAUTION: Never point the mouth of the test tube at anyone while heating the test tube.) Watch the test tube for changes, periodically removing the tube from the flame to note any odor that evolves. When the heating is complete, observe the reaction products then Record your observations
6.) Put the sodium chloride and sand mixture on a piece of clean paper. Examine the mixture w/ magnifying glass. Record your observations. Transfer the mixture to a clean 150mL beaker. Add 30mL of distilled water and stir the mixture with a glass rod.
Filter the mixture: fold a piece of filter paper in half and fold again so that the edges do not meet but form an angle of abt 5-10 degrees
Place evaporating dish below the funnel, and pour the salt/sand/water mixture into the funnel. The liquid that passes through the filter paper is called the filtrate. Heat the dish gently until filtrate has evaporated completely. Allow dish to cool. Examine dry residue in evaporating dish and wet residue on filter paper. Record your observations. Throw evaporating dish together w/ the sand.
Submit dry residue to teacher.

Chemical SystemObservationAnalysis
Copper turnings + sulfur powder examined w/ hand lens. heated together.
magnesium ribbon: burned in air, combustion product, dissolved in water, solution tested with litmus paper.
Sulfur power: burned in air, combustion product, dissolved in water, solution tested with red and blue litmus paper
Iodine crystals: heated, vapor cooled
copper nitrate heated
sodium chloride and sand mixture: examined w/ hand lens. mixed with water. filtered. filtreate allowed to evaporate.

1) For each change observed from steps 1-6 indicate whether the change was physical or chemical. Explain.

Chemical System     Kind of change                      reason
  1. mixing copper and sulfur (heated)

  2. magnesium heated in air

  3. sulfur heated in air

  4. iodine crystals (heated)

  5. copper nitrate (heated)

  6. mixing salt, sand and water

2) What's the diff. between chem and physical problems?
3) Using the results of your exp., state the diff. between a chemical change and a physical change.
4) How can you differentiate compounds from mixtures? A metal from nonmetal.
5)Give the operational definition of a compound, an element, and a mixture.

//sorry guys im really tired and i don't have a scanner

Sunday, February 14, 2010

outbound education stuff

Schedule of the 'Outbound Education'
5:306:00Assembly (DO NOT BE LATE!)
6:00Expected Departure Time/Stopover (breakfast)
6:008:30En route to Tagaytay
8:309:3041st USAFE Memorial Shrine w/ War Veteran Major Aquino (talk/discussion)
9:3010:00En route to Kampo Trexo \m/
10:0014:00Kampo Trexo: obstacle course, rappelling, wall climbing, zip line, adventure race, lunch
2:0014:30En route to Mushroom Burger Plantation (om nom nom)
14:3015:00Mushroom Burger tour (inclusive of one mushroom burger and drink. OMOMNOMNOMNOM)
15:0015:30wash up, clean up, synthesis
15:3018:30en route to school/ optional stop-over
18:3019:00Estimated time of arrival


  • 2 extra shirts

  • 2 extra shorts

  • 2 sets of underwear :>

  • extra footwear

  • personal meds (DRUUUUGS)

  • lunch box (plastic plate, spoon, and fork)

  • cap, bandana, sunglasses

  • toiletries

  • raingear

  • tupperware

  • extra plastic bags

  • camera (optional)

  • notebooks and ballpens

batch shirt, walking shorts/jogging pants
rubber shoes or rubber sandals with straps
NO FLIP-FLOPS (i don't care what havaianas [sp?] say)

cellphones, ipods, mp3 players, pocket-sized computer games, etc


Packed breakfast & lunch
snacks (no junk food)
1-2 liters of water


Happy Valentines' Day~

Field trip
- I may not have given you the handout, I'm sorry, I lost them in a gazebo x| Someone please be kind enough to scan one.

- article reviews are back on Wednesday.

- Comms, better start now so you won't have to cram during Perio.

- We had two prelims and two final reports due last week, make sure you've passed.

Class Mag
- I've finished editing everything that's been passed to me, and here are some comments.
Javi - your review is too long. If we post it as is, it's going to be more than one-third of the magazine.
Dave - I loved yours, I swear. :3 But there's one flaw: Ma'am Abella doesn't teach SS to Sr. She does teach Cs and Na, though. I think the third is Li; I'll recheck with them. But still I loved yours :3
Gillian, Andrei - excellent. But Andrei, you swore a bit too much.
Olin, Marianne - Okay na. I'm not sure if even these have to have something to do with Garnet; but aside from that, it's okay.
Joaqui - Nice topic. And nice article. :D
If you aren't on here, I haven't received your article. Travel section, yes your USB is with me, I'll check latur.

Ma'am says we're going to talk more about the mag on Tuesday, 'cause a lot of you still haven't passed. Editors, please keep track of who has passed and when. You're going to grade them.

If you want a failing grade, fine, don't pass. It's your grade.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Only four editors have passed: Dave, Javi, Marianne, and Jethro.

The ones I have received are the ones written by:
Pat, Gillian, Andrei, Marianne, Olin, Jethro, DJ, Joaqui, Javi, and me.

That's TEN articles out of THIRTY. WHAAA, GARNET, KAWAWA NAMAN TAYO. Yung may mga technical problems, please PLEASE find a way to send it to meeee. I'll talk over deadlines with you tomorrow.

Credits to the editors who passed early--Dave, Javi, Marianne, and Jethro. But Dave, you didn't include your own article :| You just passed Pat's.

Special credits to Jethro, your email was very formal. I love it. :> IT HA, IT. :))

Editors you also have to make an article!! T^T
Nako Garnet. :| :(


Okay, so about the fair...
Sabi ng FairCom na hindi pwede ang 2+ hours na shift. So if you guys have an extra long shift... You can ask whoever is in charge about it.
I left before they set up the booth and all, pero I remember (just in case the booth isn't set up yet):
- try bringing yung mga table. pwede raw manghiram sa ASTB pero dapat may permission and collateral.
- kailangan natin ng cashbox and a notebook or something like that to keep track.
- we're working right beside the jail booth kasi we can't really catch anyone daw :)) kind of true
- Jade has make-up classes so I think Garnet will pull the majority of the shifts tomorrow. Not sure yet.
- IDs provided

By the way, the tickets are with Gene. He'll distribute them tomorrow

And try stopping by the FebEx booth and getting letters made for yo speshul somewan. :)) Project Cyrano: Basically they write love letters (for a price XD) and FebEx will deliver it. You need to give the full name of the recipient XD pwede pisay student, pwede pisay teacher.

^^ Try not getting caught.

ps: paul
if you don't send the review, then i will seriously give you a failing grade. may deduction ka na kasi late yung submission mo.
pia: ikaw din, nasaan yung review mo?
javi: SORRY! :( But you passed it, right?
to the guys who are watching percy jackson with me:
Showing is at 6:55PM and it will end mga 9PM. Cinema 1, Trinoma. Tickets are P170 each

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

feb 10/2010

"To all first years, second years and third years -- You must set up your booths by tomorrow, 4:10 PM (Oval Area) when the tents are set up. Don't forget to decorate your areas, and put your price lists and other necessary stuff. Bring your materials and valuable equipment on Friday na lang para 'di mawala. We will tell you which tent is assigned to you tomorrow. If you have questions, text 09266192252. Thank you. Also, you may still join Singles. Just approach the fair pair booth. PLEASE PASS. "

GUYS! It seems we have a problem with rehearsal. Ma'am Ghie's taking an hour from our two hour practice. But we can still practice in the 4th Floor Audi.
I asked Ma'am if it was possible to hold the make-up classes in the 4th Floor instead of the ASTB AVR kasi ang layo ng 4th Floor SHB sa 2nd Floor ASTB. Will confirm tomorrow.
Actually, the reservation for the audi isn't confirmed XD Will get confirmation tomorrow.

Good luck on the NATs and the fair!

By the way, you can sign people up without them knowing for Singles XD 'Cause you don't need a signature, just name and section. :)) Have fun

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To Mah (Marianne) CompSci group

Mika, Pat, Monchai, Bianca, Issa:
Since we're doing the project on Garnet 2013, I think we should do the individual web pages first. I can only think of 3 jobs so others think of what they should do their web pages on.
1.) Class List-- MINE! Yes I'm evil >:)
List of students and short description (not 'he has black hair and brown eyes, blah blah'! Like 'he likes to play cards...')
2.) Teacher List -- PAT
List of teachers and short description.
3.) Events List -- ISSA
List of events (example: SocSci Fieldtrip, kiteflying, stargazing, etc)

All web pages should use even the littlest bit of CSS and have pictures! But not too many. And please keep the file size in mind, so that's it. Be creative. -_-

Or if you want don't follow this list. But imma make a class list so ;p

The scheduled rehearsals on Thursday (Feb 10, 2010) from 1-3 PM is in the FOURTH FLOOR AUDI!

Monday, February 8, 2010

monday HW (February 08, 2010)

Happy Birthday Kirbehhh and cockroach Leiko

1.) IS Prelim Lab Reports
Leaders, pl0x get the lab reports. I'm assuming it's 12pt Arial, single space. If I'm feeling kind enough, imma post teh format. But I'm busy so :>


2.) TechPrep
Those who ordered/got new components/supplies please pay or else return the stuff you got.
Olin's group (Olin, Me, James, Issa, Gillian, Kirby) please have 26 pesos for the component contribution.

3.) CompSci
Get a 'cracking on those group projects!
You can download the Project Specifications on Moodle!

4.) English:
I have booked the 3rd Floor Audi for Class Play rehearsals, On Thursday (THIS WEEK! February 11, 2010) from 1-3PM Ma'am Ghie will be supervising us from 1-2 and I think Ma'am Liz will supervise us from 2-3.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW for Monday

Okay, I'm not sure if it's complete, pero at least there's a list, no?

- SocSci
The list of words. No excuses, pass it tomorrow. Pia posted it on this blog (look for it in the February posts) so if you lost your photocopy you won't have trouble.
Please don't mooch off from anyone anymore.

- IS
Bring labgown plus study the hand-outs Bianca gave.

Past that, I'm not sure... Oh yeah!
BRING A BLUE FILLER (kung wala) or else patay kayo sa Math XD

And by the way, Reviews, I want two or so small pictures (must not exceed 400px in height and 300px in width) to accompany your articles. Attach it separately from the word document.
The picture must be the cover/official poster/official logo. And the second picture should be like a screenshot. If it's a book, wag na... Or maybe an illustration. If it's a music album, then maybe a band picture.

rantinggg. for the magazine, of course.

well, for the rants, oh wait, the "student problems".
At least 1 page.
Just submit a regular sized article. or something like that. =))

If you're going to make a student problem article, it should surpass my level of my debate against it. Otherwise... make a new one.

Just kidding. But yeah, I will try to contradict it in any way possible. Somehow.

Make sure your grammar's good, your argument about the problem makes sense, no senseless ranting or complaining. I want reasons.

So... yeahhh. That's it.

Plus points if I agree to your topic. =))))))) Joke. Wait, maybe yeah.


Logic and Reason + Rants + Your personality.

Btw. It CAN sound like a complaint. If you can make it sound like complaining AND have logic, then that's GREATTT. Well, that's all for now. Thanksss.

Note: YOU CAN EVEN RANT ABOUT RANTING OR RANT ABOUT THE MAGAZINE. Any student related problems will do. Just no complaining about low grades unless the teacher is evilazy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

reviews: postponed deadline

Moving the deadline for reviews!
I said Sunday, 6PM right? Well, basta.
I moved it to Monday 9PM
Don't make it too long, and don't drag on and on, or Imma kill you.
Please don't review anything well known. This includes Tekken, Harry Potter (book and movie), Twilight series (book and movie), Spiderwick Chronicles, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Avatar (the movie) iCarly, Glee, Titanic, Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, Fall Out Boy, The Beatles, A Separate Peace (especially this! no reviewing books that are on the reading list.), you get the picture.
I'm warning you!

Remember, send 'em all to
by Monday 9PM

By the way, what are you guys reviewing? **please review The Graveyard Book, Paul**


Yeah. I better make this quick.

Here is the list of assignments. (Stephen, since you didn't sign up for anything, I'm assuming you go in the only remaining spot.) First one in each list is the editor.

News/Stories: Dave, Pat
Sports: Rham, Alessandro, Emman
Travel: Pardau, Bea
Entertainment: Gene, James, Gab, Jadee, Kirby, Jenine
Unusual experiences (I wish you luck, Jethro is your ed :P) : Jethro, Monchai, Joaqui, DJ
Hobbies: Alyssa, Stephen, Issa
Student problems: Javi, Leiko, Gillian, Andrei
Reviews: Marianne, Olin, Paul

Again, deadline for all articles are due on Tuesday, February 9. (Yes, the date I put is wrong, human mistake -_-) The article should have been edited by the editor at least once.

I repeat--all extra articles that you wish to submit should also follow the restrictions of the editor (deadlines, formatting, etc).

Everyone is required to submit at least one article. This includes the editors, bus man, art director (di naman problema kay Pia yan :-j), and me. :P

Comment below for questions, suggestions, and violent reactions.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb 5, 2010

Class Play

bring at least one of the following on Monday; don't spend!:

  • cardboard
  • illustration board
  • newspaper
  • tissue
  • glue
  • styro
  • paint brush
  • 3 pipes
  • spray paint: gold, black, silver
  • white cartolina
  • glue gun
  • paint that stays on plastic cover

Class Mag

hey guys! I need your suggestion with the cover's design!
tell it to me personally or email it to me together with the Jethro quotes & pics.
tnx :)


Thursday, February 4, 2010

class mag :)

so, just a little update..
Bianca has this awesome idea of putting a page full of Jethro quotes!
so, if you remember any of what Jethro has said in the school year, then e-mail it to me..

so far, only Marian has e-mailed me the pics :)
I'm gonna make a collage out of our pics :)
again, just send it through mail :)
keep those pics coming!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Okay, our blog is flooded.

If I were standing right now, I would be falling.

This is a soft copy of what I will give y'all tomorrow. But this one has some difference, colored red.



Firstly, sign up for a slot in whatever category you want, as per Stephen’s suggestion. First come, first serve. Pick wisely. :O I'll be giving the sign-up sheets tomorrow.

News/stories – Dave

Somehow interesting but still informative. News features.

Sports – Rham

Well, duh.

Travel – Pardau

Intramuros trip. And you can throw in some of those Trinoma gimmicks. :P

Entertainment – Gene

Freedom-y. :D You may include the compilation of jokes I have in the Garnet multi.

Unusual experiences – Jethro

Pretty much the same as Entertainment, but it has to be uniquely Garnet. :D

Hobbies - Alyssa

Where we hang out during break, what do we do, what do many of us like and dislike… etc.

Student problems - Javi

I love this part. :)) Rant-all-you-want.

Letter to the editors – Mika

Don’t understand this one, but I assume no slots for this.

Books/Movie Reviews – Marianne



Write an article under your topic and pass it to your editors. Editors, you must edit and determine whether it should be remade completely or will be okay with grammar and spell check. All revisions must be with me by Tuesday, Feb. 10. This gives you ample time to write, edit, rewrite, and have one final edit.

I’ll give the final edits to Pia on Thursday, Feb. 12. And the rest will be discussed by Pia, Alyssa, and me.


  • Follow what your editors say. (But Editors, don’t abuse.) If they give a format or give deadlines, follow.
  • Editors, be responsible. Make sure everyone submits on time and make sure you submit on time.
  • Keep a soft copy and a hard copy for every article you write. Layouting will be hard and will take long for Pia if she still has to type everything.
  • There is no specified length for the articles, but minimum should be roughly as long as THIS ENTRY > click! Sorry, okay, my head hurts too much to make another entry. The articles will be cropped and prolonged as the layout calls for.
  • If you want to pass extra articles for other portions, that's perfectly fine, just pass to the correct editor.

BEAR IN MIND. The articles in the magazine should reflect who Garnet is—like a many-faceted diamond (irony), it’s more beautiful if we show more sides. So, write the way you would talk (minus the swearwords and the side comments, maybe, such as this one). Make your personality, and Garnet’s, apparent in your writing—but please don’t sound so stupid.

Yay, go Garnet.

check the previous post first

So Pia has been asking for picture submissions...
And since I'm assistant editor for Reviews, I'm telling you all that Deadline is on Sunday (Feb 7, 2010) at 12PM because I still have to check all the reviews.
Now I'm taking Bianca's advice and I won't put any strict format rules... But if you're sending a soft copy to me ( ) then PLEASE save it as .doc or .docx or .odt and make sure the font is readable.
And do a little background check on the book/movie/whatever you're reviewing. This means: if you're reviewing a book, please tell us who the author is, and if it's a movie tell us who the director is. Kawawa naman yung mga direktor sa mundo, walang credit XD
Plus include genre and of course, your rating (3 stars? 4 stars? what?)
NO SPOILERS! that's a rule.
^^ If it's a movie, please include the names of some actors with major roles.
- I highly suggest you avoid reviewing well known books/movies/etc and try to introduce us to something new :) This isn't for cramming, so if you're gonna write a half-assed article then it's not gonna be included.
- Don't just say 'this book/movie/etc sucks. it's so crappy. i hate it.' because that doesn't help much. If you like/hate it, then TELL US WHY. What makes it good/bad?
^^ Guidelines lang yun.

As for length, sabi ni Bianca any length :)) But don't write a novel, maawa naman kayo.

Soc Sci :)

Here's the assignment ma'am gave us.
I'm gonna give you guys a xerox copy of this tom :)

Social Science 1

In one whole sheet of paper, give the definition, importance or contribution of the following in a sentence:

1. Military Government
2. Civil Government
3. William H. Taft
4. Sedition Law
5. Brigandage Act
6. Reconcentration Act
7. Flag Law
8. Macario Sakay
9. Aurelio Tolentino
10. Philippine Bill of 1902
11. Filipinization
12. Jones Law of 1916
13. Payne-Aldrich Act
14. Underwood-Simmons Act
15. Free Trade
16. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
17. Os-Rox Mission
18. Tydings-McDuffie Act
19. Hukbalahap
20. General Douglas MacArthur
21. Death March
22. Philippine Rehabilitation Act
23. Bell Trade Act
24. Parity Rights
25. Military Bases Agreement
26. Military Assistance Act
27. Mutual Defense Treaty
28. Filipino First Policy
29. globalization
30. GATT

Date of Submission: February 8, 2010 (Monday)

Deadline on the submission of other requirements:
February 19, 2010 (Friday) - laminated copy of the lyrics of the jingle (A4)
February 26, 2010 (Friday) - performance of jingle
Every Wednesday of February - news article (except for Feb. 10)

Prepare for the following:
February 5 (2nd period) - group presentation re: exhibit on Fil-Am War
February 5 (10:00 - 12:00) - film viewing (venue: Learning Center); Sharing presentation of Ambeth Ocampo's articles



I need Garnet pics for the class mag! Any pic, basta Garnet!
I'm gonna put lots & lots of pics, 'kay?
Just e-mail it to me:
or if you posted it in FB, just tell me its URL.
not all pics will be put in the mag.. i'm gonna choose the good & clear ones..
and I need the articles ASAP, so that I can layout the mag earlier :)
and the publishing house will have enough time to publish :)
so pass it to bianca, as soon as you're done, and she'll give it to me :)
tnx :)


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An EIC yet again -_-

Because Marianne says this is a great excuse. :))

Okay. Firstly, I have to work out the staff. I will be your EIC (.. nostalgic. Just like grade school. -_-), Alyssa will be Business Manager (which I will refer to as Bus Man, out of habit. Sorry.), and Pia will be Art Editor, 'cause she's awesome like that.

Editors. This is the main problem. Whoever wants to apply for a slot, approach me. I can still tweak these around, according to your abilities. That includes kicking you off the staff. So EDITORS. Be responsible.

  1. News/Stories - Dave
  2. Sports - Rham
  3. Travel - /vacant/
  4. Entertainment - Gene
  5. Unusual experiences - Jethro
  6. Hobbies - Alyssa
  7. Student problems - /vacant/ I need someone who knows how to edit rants to make it sound like.. well, not a rant.
  8. Letter to the editors - /Jethro wants this slot. But I dunno what this is. Further clarifications needed./
  9. Books/Movie Reviews - Marianne

(I think I just used HTML syntax in CSS. O_O)
So. Everyone has to make at least one article, right? Have some sense, classify your article under the correct topic above, and pass to the corresponding editor. If you REALLY can't classify, pass to me.

Editors, edit (duh), and determine whether it should be remade completely or will be okay with grammar and spell check. Either way, before Achievement Tests, all articles should be with me for final editing.

After ATs (O_O whut?), I should've had edited everything, and given Pia the articles and everything to layout. Pia, you have until the Monday after Fair (which is ASP LT day, so go read it naoooo) to layout.

Alyssa's father's publishing company will print the magazines for us, if it's a bulk order. We're not sure of this yet 'cause we don't have the number of pages yet or the number of orders (wanna distribute to the whole Pisay? :P) so it might be this publishing company or the one that Pia speaks of. Mmkay?

Okay, that flow was haywire. T_T

I allotted five days because I dunno how long each will take. Will the ATs be hard? :(

The deadlines are prone to change. As in VERY prone. Check back here often.
So for Math you must answer: (thanks Olin)
BA #s 74-76 p.335(?) maybe not
basta crammable yan

-The requirement for Class Magazine is basically write at least one article per person.
-Bianca is Editor-in-Chief. There are 9 assistant editors, 1 business manager, 1 art editor, and the 18 others just need to write an article (Bianca will be posting something, I expect)

Guys please pay P80 by tomorrow :x OR ELSE. :|

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Soc Sci
-your JINGLE due Feb. 19, 2010, laminated
  -performance: either Feb. 24 or 26
-news article due Wednesday
-article assigned during field trip, due on Friday
-article assigned by class number (discussion), due on Monday

-search about the 5 health departments

Val Ed

-study Physical & Chemical properties of matter

Tech Prep
-Mono's Table

Comp Sci
-In case you don't know yet, we need a feedback about the WEBDEV Awards

-bring your pingpong paddle & ball
-wear your P.E. shirt/batch shirt

-P80.00 due on Wednesday :)
-(plus) P10.00 to the class funds from soc sci field trip (YEY!!!)

don't want to put a rickroll video here

just edit if I forgot something :)


too formal??.. i know.. i suck.. EPIC FAIL!!

Monday (feb 1 2010)


Research the 5 health organizations and their purpose (1 is international, the other 4 are in the philippines)
Bring coloring materials (daw)


The song is due next week, Monday. (find your groupmates)
The 2 min individual presentation is on Monday. (the one about your article)
The 2 min group presentation (the topic assigned to you during field trip, 3 people to a group)
Read about the Reform and Katipunan in your books (or else Ma'am will be pissed)
As always, Balitaan


The final project will be done in groups. Groups are according to the row you're seated. 6 to a group.
Ma'am said (for now) we need to choose a topic.


GAHHHH!!!!! So much to cram... We don't have the final script yet O_O :(((((
Ma'am will discuss the Class Magazine tomorrow

Special Announcements:

Class Funds, etc.

P80 by Wednesday ;p
And we bought the Assassination Booth :D but Jade paid for it. D:


meeting on Feb 2&3 2010 in the Art Room (SHB 315), 4:10-6:10 PM
Bring materials.

Himig Agham

Meeting on Wednesday after classes until ??? in the ASTB conference room.
Friday meeting 2nd UB. I think it's either in the ASTB confe room or the 2nd floor seminar room. Basta. Ask someone else ;p

Volunteer Militia

Meeting in front of the BRH-Main on Friday at 4:10
Anyone who wants to join is welcome!