Thursday, November 19, 2009

About the Play

So a lot of you might be wondering about the play. Sorry for not personally saying. Here's a summary:

It's set in ancient Rome, when Christianity was banned. So this big group of people were caught, and they're going to be executed.
And while they're in the dungeon, they start fighting.

There. It is subject to change.


  1. Wait!!! I have questions for you. :) You won't answer them in school, I demand to know more of the play. Prove that PISAY is a democracy and as a part of it, we follow its ways too.

    What are the topics/ issue that are going to be brought up in the play?

    What are your reasons of changing the scene into ancient Rome?

    Is it not that stories about ancient Rome and Christians are so cliche?

    In what way are they going to be executed? feeding them to the lions? burning their skin alive? burning them as a whole? skinning them? pulled apart by oxen? hunger? etc.

    Where were they kept? In Rome? In Byzantium? in Londinium?

  2. i c wut u did tharr

    Topics/issues: Human Nature
    Reasons for changing: #1 (the original one about the gods in the jungle) Too long, hard because there would have to be scene changes

    #2 (from prom thang) The prom thing is too shallow.

    #3 (from WW2) WW2 is actually the cliche one. And Garnet 2012 was on WW2 already, I think Opal 2013 is doing a play set during WW2

    There is a reason I didn't include details. I wanted to make a really short, quick summary. And, well, this blog is public and we didn't want the details to be seen because if everybody knew the details, then they'd get bored during presentation.

    And I demand a name and section (i'm pretty sure you're pisay), eaze! -brandishes cardboard sword-
