(Family History/ Local History/ Institutional History)
(Family History/ Local History/ Institutional History)
1.) Identify topic.
2.) Gather data from primary sources.
a.) Conduct interviews.
1.) Identify informants.
2.) Prepare your Guide Questions,following the content outline given.Do not forget to ask personal data such as age, date of birth, and other pertinent information.
3.) Set an appointment with your informants.
4.) During the interview session, explain why you are doing the project. Then ask the Guide questions you prepared. Feel free to add questions not contained in your Guide, especially questions to clarify and expound on the answers given. But let the informant do most of the talking.
5.) Tape record or jot down important points. When tape recording, be sure to request permission of the informant first.
6.) Thank the informant at the end of the interview and assure him/ her that you will show the write up or final outputs so he /she can check the accuracy of the narrative.
b.) If interviews are not possible due to problems in schedule, send out questionnaire containing:
1.) Cover letter which explains why you are doing the project. (This letter can be signed by your Social Science teacher.)
2.) Questionnaire- use as guide the content outline given. (Please show this Questionnaire to your teacher for comments and suggestions before sending it out to your informants.)
c.) Look for primary source documents, like birth certificates, marriage contract, letters, etc. Only photocopies should be included in the project, not original documents.
2. When data have been gathered, construct your historical narrative. Make sure content is complete based on the content outline.
3. Apply historical criticism. Check for validity and reliability of historical information and historical sources.
4. Do not forget to include:
a.) Family Tree/ Organizational Chart
b.) Pictures: Old or New
c.) Appendix
1.) Interview transcripts
2.) Photocopies of documents
In the Soc. Sci. project, if I chose the local history project should I include a family tree/organizational chart?
ReplyDelete"Gen. James said...
ReplyDeleteIn the Soc. Sci. project, if I chose the local history project should I include a family tree/organizational chart?
July 16, 2009 12:11 AM "
Perhaps only the organizational chart.