Friday, August 28, 2009


Math Long Test. Yes, be afraid, Garnet. Can't remember the date.
Unless you're Pia, Leiko, or Olin.

Visual aid about your handouts for SocSci on a short bond paper.

Filipino long test or quiz... Can't remember, don't know the topic.

Long Test in CompSci about all the topics reported. SEPTEMBER 4 (Friday)

Script in Filipino. Use the different kinds of sentences.

Art mosaic. Due Next week, September 7, I think.

Garnet, please note we have scheduled tutorials in the Boys Main Dorm on September 4 and 10 from 4:10-6:00 on Math and Earth Science.

ALSO: KHO-NAN ON FRIDAY. So don't you forget, !@#$%

Please tell me if I forgot anything.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So this is whats up for next week:

1. Essay writing for English to be submitted on Monday
-make sure that the introduction, content, and closure part is included
-take note of the three methods: prewriting, writing and rewriting

2.For Social Science, as usual, write down three article summaries on your notebook: one regional, one local, and one international.

-do not forget to include the 5 W's: who, what, when, where, and why. Also write down two to three sentences about the article and include the source(it should be from the newspaper).

And if you are really looking for something to do:

-plan for the art project
-finish the project for English-BOOK OF ME: report card
-and memorize the part of the piece assigned to you(by row) for music

well.. I guess that's it

enjoy the weekend!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


So from what I know, here is the stuff we're supposed to do:
Earth Science
Project: Biodata of the Earth
Format: Just fit it into one short folder (P5 lang sa grocery sa canteen).
You can have as many pages as you want. Present it creatively.
DUE DATE: August 20 (Thursday).

Integrated Science
LONG TEST! read your notes.
WHEN: August 17 (Monday)

Do the color wheel. It must have the 3 primary colors (yellow, red, blue), the 3 secondary colors (orange, green, purple), and the tertiary colors (yellow green, yellow orange, red purple, red orange, blue purple, blue green).
It also must have the tints and shades of all those colors mentioned above.
DUE DATE: August 19 (Wednesday)

That is all I know. But I think we need to do something extra in the color wheel in Art. I will consult with Sir Ortiz on Monday.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


there's a bunch of things to do, mostly projects.
here's the list:

signed long tests quizzes, etc.

the script with the suprasegmental words

logbook - AGAIN
the project (values slogan, poster, etc.) - there's no due date.... weird.

passing of major project due on Monday (the family, local or institutional history)
Balitaan on GREEN filler

Earth Sci:
Long Test

Quiz about TEETH on Tuesday

project (and it seems no one has ever done it --YET)

project - comic book 'cover'; due on Wednesday
bring white cartolina and coloring materials on Wednesday

passing of projects 'till 11:55 pm on August 9, 2009

practical test on the National Anthem (Filipino version)
-bonus points if you memorized and WILL (willingly) sing the other languages, English and Spanish version.

e-mail me at: if there's something I forgot

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Let us salute and say farewell to our former president, Cory Aquino.
Give at least a moment of silence for her, I mean, she's done too much for our country. And I think she deserves to rest. Forever shall Cory Aquino live in the history of the Philippines.

Anyway, I'm starting to sound weird, so let's get back to what you came here for.
Well, not many homeworks. I guess. Sorry for the late post. Haha.

1/2 Sheet Pad,
7 Sentences, no more, no less.
Use transitional words, link/singpost words

1. John is an excellent butcher.

- 5 Sentences -

2. Bees and butterflies adored her garden.

Connect the 2 sentences, be creative, and good luck. :))


Project due next week. <<>

Well, the essay thing due Friday.
This is to be done in essay form.

Short bond paper
Arial font, Size 12
Single Spaced

What are the common themes of the pictures?

Answer the questions:
Is there still hope?
What do you think is your role as a Pisay scholar?

Well, there's that project. Due Friday.
Maximum of 15 slides, Minimum of 10.

If you guys didn't bring your 2x2 photo, bring 'em, you'll need 'em. :))
Well, project due Aug. 12. So chill for now.

Haha, once again, our test is delayed, and singing of the national anthem will be next Wednensday pa. Bonus points for memorizing it in other languages that aren't Filipino.

Have stuff signed, dunno when due.
Project - We aren't getting any info or deadlines on this...

I think that's all, please buzz! me on ym to update me, to update the blog. <<>


Monday, August 3, 2009

-Based on a True Story-

Well, there is a time, when things should be revealed.
The story, the legend, the whatever, of two dudes hanging out in the library.

2 crazy high school kids were bored.

They went to the library for no reason at all.

They went to the back to check out some books.

AJ: Hey dude, look at this book.

JA: WTH. :)) The Mysterious Stranger :)))))).

AJ: Oh oh, this? The Three Muskateers. What were their names again?

JA: I think they were Larry, Curly and Moe.

AJ: You sure?

JA: Yeah I'm sur- Oh wait, those were the 3 Stooges pala. :))))

AJ: You fail man. :)) You sakkk :))

Any similarities to people, live or deceased, are merely coincidencial. This is a work of pure fiction.

Posted by Javi out of complete boredom. And btw, no homework. :))

Sunday, August 2, 2009

NO CLASS on August 5

As some of you may heard, there will be no class on August 5.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declared last August 2, Sunday, that August 5 is a non-working holiday, because of former president Corazon Aquino's funeral. This is to give Filipinos a chance to take part in the burial rites of Cory Aquino.

Anyways, another no class for us. WE REALLY WOULD HAVE A SHORT VACATION. :)